Caffeine Loaded Tea

Caffeine Loaded Tea by It's Tea Time

It's Tea Time, and it is the perfect loaded tea vendor to get your caffeine fix! Our teas are specially crafted to give you great taste, energy and alertness you need the energy and alertness you need to get through your day. We offer a wide variety of flavors to compliment your caffeine beverages. Our caffeinated drinks are loaded with green tea based, approx 180 mg caffeine, sugar free flavors. Each tea is sweetened with organic Stevia, while there are teas that contain the artificial sweetener. Please read the menu carefully for awareness of tea descriptions or please ask cashier. This daily boost is "loaded" with vitamins. B5,6, 12, vitamin C antioxidants! All under 25 calories for each tea! A healthier option to help you get you through the day. This product does not intend to diagnose, treat, or cure and disease. This tea has not been evaluated by the FDA. Please alert cashier of any sensitivities or allergies.